Trying Something New

I just found Windows Live Writer on my computer.  Okay, I don’t spend a lot of time on my computer for a self-proclaimed techie/geek.  So this is really just a test to see how well it works. I entered the url of my blog and my credentials. Live Writer downloaded the theme and the blog….

Good Manners

It’s been a while since I put anything up here.  I am so sorry. It was really bad manners to neglect my devoted readers. I live down here in the South, in the land of good manners.  Children are taught at a very young age to address adults as “Ma’am” and “Sir.”  Obviously that alone does not constitute…

What Makes a RIGHT a RIGHT?

…and by that I mean a RIGHT as an ENTITLEMENT, as opposed to a WRONG or a LEFT. I learned this in college, in an excellent class called Political Philosophy. As much as I would love to mention the professor’s name, I don’t have his permission to do so. One of the most memorable concepts…