Low-Tech Kind of Day

fireplaceWith the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico is enjoying a rare sleet/snow/freezing rain storm, most roads are closed and most businesses have put their operations on hold. This has left me with an opportunity to catch up on several projects that have been quite neglected, and it has provided me with a reminder that electronic technology does not offer solutions to all of life’s needs.

With a looming deadline on a friend’s baby-date, it is now fairly certain that the blanket I am knitting–low-tech style–will be finished in time for her shower. I was able to do a real nice clean-up on the kitchen woodwork. The hubby and the boys were able to spend some quality time cutting some firewood. We shoveled a space on the deck for him to stand while he cooked us up some burgers on the grill. (We grill all year around.)

It is with a grateful heart that we hunker down in our warm home this very cold night. Yes, I realize that there are many places experiencing much worse weather, but here on the Gulf Coast, extended periods of sub-freezing weather are rare, and sleet, freezing rain, and snow are rarer still. We aren’t accustomed to driving on roads slick with ice and slushy stuff. So far there is no threat of power failure, but if we should lose power, our home is well insulated and won’t lose heat very quickly, and we have a supply of firewood and blankets and we can layer up in whatever clothes we need.

The older boy was able to spend some time hunting; didn’t have a lot of luck but it’s comforting to know that should the need arise for us to find our food somewhere other than a grocery store, we can do it.

As much as I love technology and enjoy learning about all the new stuff humans come up with, today’s low-tech day was one of the best days I’ve had with the fam.


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