Navigating Life’s Journey: Finding Direction and Embracing Uncertainty

In his thought-provoking book, The Lion Tracker, Boyd Varty shares a profound statement: “I don’t know where I’m going but I know how to get there.” These words resonate with many of us who find ourselves at different points in our personal and professional journeys, trying to navigate the paths ahead. While conventional wisdom often…

Blockchain 101: How This Disruptive Technology is Changing the Game!

If you’ve been following the tech world lately, you’ve undoubtedly heard a lot of buzz around blockchain, and it’s probably been mostly connected to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. But what exactly is it and why is it so important? Today, I’ll break down everything you need to know about blockchain technology in an easy-to-understand way….

From Unicorns to Siri Misunderstandings: Tech Expectations and Understanding

Ah, technology. We can’t live without it, but sometimes it feels like we can’t live with it either. Today, we’re going to explore the hilarious differences between technology expectations and understanding. First up, technology expectations. We’ve all been there. You expect your phone to have a 100% battery life at all times, and when it…

Impostor Syndrome

I’ve always felt like a fraud. Well, maybe not exactly a fraud, more like a play-actor. Like I didn’t really belong. Like everyone around me was smarter, more talented, and more deserving of success than I was. I used to think that I was the only one who felt this way, but as I’ve grown…

I chose

In my last post, I expressed the decisions that would lead up to my next camera. I did go and spend about an hour or more with a consultant (he was so much more than just a salesman) at Calagaz Photo in Mobile. If you live in this area and you have any camera questions…