Are You Informed?

I don’t watch the news.  In fact, when I pass by a television set that is showing a news broadcast, I do my best to exit the venue as quickly as possible. And yet, I will contend that I am as informed and as well-advised as any news junkie. Here’s why: 1. We know the…

Orchestrated Divisiveness

Let’s address the elephant in the room: I’m a middle-aged white female, so the viewpoint is going to come from that angle. It’s also important that you know that I do not watch the news, and I’ll explain later why watching any news program is likely to make you less informed than if you didn’t…

The Pigeon

Something caught my eye this morning as I was going about my normal routine, a movement just outside my apartment window. I turned and saw a pigeon standing on his side of the ledge, peering at me through the glass. I had seen birds fly past my window before, many times, but I don’t recall…


In a well-meaning article from MIT, a “living wage calculator” showed the difference between the current minimum wage in various states and the costs of living under different circumstances in the different counties in those states. The project was designed to demonstrate the disparity between what Americans will tolerate as the least amount of money…