My latest additions to my art and merch sites, and links to my favorite things (including my own book, of course)

New series posted at Oakwood Fine Art Photography

I’ve just uploaded a series of photographs taken at a lovely spot along the Roaring Forks Motor Nature Trail in the Smoky Mountains National Park. The trail is a one-way motor trail, but it’s walkable. The experience takes you along woodlands and meadows, historic sites and homesteads, but the crowning feature for me was this lovely spot. Check out the series here!

Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail


Great gift for the foodie in your life! Wonderful kitchen clock or for the garden shed. This was the first harvest of the season. Most of these were pickled for sandwiches and salads later. As we left the garden, my young son looked at the pocket full of peppers and exclaimed, “Mrs. Pepper Pocket!” This clock and other items with the Pocket of Peppers design are available at Society6.

A herd of elk at the West Yellowstone entrance gathers each afternoon at about the same time to refresh themselves at this stream. To capture the dreamy feeling of the experience, I applied a watercolor filter to the photograph to give it a softer touch. You can get this tote bag and other lovely items at Redbubble.

Grand Teton mountain range as seen across Jackson Lake creates a fabulous shower curtain!

I doubt anyone you know will have this in their bathroom. From my shop at Society6.


COMING SOON! One of the selections I have available for sale, but not yet posted to my art storefront. My husband and I went to Gulf Shores on a chilly February Friday afternoon. It was Valentine’s Day, and the year was 2020, just before the world shut down. Ever since I started serious photography, I’ve been trying to get a picture of a pelican in mid-dive or just breaking the surface of the water. I’ve never gotten that shot, but this one is one of my favorites. As the sun just disappeared below the horizon, this pelican came soaring majestically toward me. I snapped several shots, but this one was by far the best.

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