human ai hallucinations

When AI Gets It Wrong: The Truth About AI Hallucinations and Human Misperceptions

ChatGPT was released to the public in November 2022. Within six months, it landed an attorney in hot water with a judge. The attorney submitted a brief to the judge that ChatGPT had written in its entirety. As impressive as that sounds, it contained six fictitious citations to other cases and precedents. The judge was…

a person looking into a crystal ball filled with data predicting future events

The Science of Predictions: A Simple Guide to Predictive Analytics

Do you use predictive analytics? (Hint: yes, you almost certainly do.) Predictive analytics are the force behind streaming recommendations in your movie and music apps, weather forecasts, and personalized shopping recommendations. Predictive analytics is a way to use information about the past and present to guess what might happen in the future. It looks at…

a business professional in silhouette standing at a crossroads, above him hovering in the air are data and informaiton symbols like graphs and charts.

Data-Driven Decision Making: Unlocking Smarter Choices in Business and Life

Between 2005 and 2009, Chicago had a challenging problem that the city leaders absolutely needed to solve: unacceptable rates of foodborne illnesses. The city had limited resources for making health inspections in food service spots. Restaurant inspections were generated from complaints or randomly, but they were ineffective in curbing the problem. When the city turned…

A room with several people using accessibility devices

How Accessibility Technology is Transforming Daily Life: Tools and Innovations

According to a World Health Organization report, over a billion people worldwide rely on assistive products. With aging populations and a rise in noncommunicable diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, that number is expected to rise to 2 billion by 2050. In the United States, 26% of adults live with a disability, many of which…