Week 5 – Ten Shots

These shots were also from our Houston trip back in February, but it’s taken till now to get my site working well. The amusement park on the boardwalk on Galveston Island lends itself to shutterbugging anyway, but we pretty much had the place to ourselves because — well, February. The idea behind this technical exercise…

Week 4 Mirror

Week 4 is a storytelling challenge, tell a story using a mirror. There is a story behind the shot, but it’s not the story the shot tells. I had pulled over to let an ambulance pass and I ended up stuck in the mud and wet pine needles. Normally, the road is as serene as…

Instagram Disappoints Me

  Note: originally published June 14, 2016; updated 10/17/2017 for optimization, and new content at the end. Instagram is fun. I like sharing some of my phone photos. And, let’s face facts–fancy filters notwithstanding, a good portion of the photos on Instagram are really simple phone photos. Yes, the latest iPhones and Android phones have…