drawing of a canon camera with 'I heart my" above it

I chose

In my last post, I expressed the decisions that would lead up to my next camera. I did go and spend about an hour or more with a consultant (he was so much more than just a salesman) at Calagaz Photo in Mobile. If you live in this area and you have any camera questions…

I want a new camera

It’s time to think about upgrading my camera, and I don’t know what I want. I can easily justify the upgrade, because there are things I want to be able to do that my current body isn’t capable of doing. In addition, the Canon I have is going to need some maintenance soon. There are…

Lessons From Caves

I love caverns, and if there’s one within 70 miles of where we’re vacationing, we’ll find our way to it before we leave. Most of the caverns we’ve visited as a family have a similar story as to their formation, but with human habitation, each has its own unique history. Due to the capriciousness of…