To Defrag or Not To Defrag??

It doesn’t seem like very long ago that I was recommending to folks that they defragment their hard drives once a month. As with all progress, what was once Best Practices is now either no longer necessary, or downright inappropriate. When hard drives were 40GB and smaller, defragmentation was necessary to make sure all your…

No Expectation of Privacy

I have tried a couple of times to post this to facebook, but it never makes it to publication.  I got to Google+. The liberal media wants to play this down by saying it’s not important. It is. Make no mistake. Obamacare Gets Creepier! “You Have No Reasonable Expectation Of Privacy” In Source Code  

Microsoft is Not Calling You!

Truth: Microsoft Technicians are NOT going to call you and offer to help fix your computer.  That means that anyone who calls you claiming to be a Microsoft Technician is NOT telling you the truth. There is no division within Microsoft tasked with calling users to help them fix their computers. Furthermore, there is no…