
Life happens, people move in, move out, move up, move along. It seems like over the past several years, some very wonderful people have moved in and then moved along. My life was touched in some important way that was evidently intended for the moment. The internet has made the world a much smaller place,…

Tools to Win

My garden is a teacher. I have become convinced that all of life’s lessons can be learned or understood in a garden. (Okay, some are learned on a baseball field too.) Most recently, we have been harvesting corn. God blessed our corn crop this year beyond our expectations.  We pull it from the stalk, chop…

Good Manners

It’s been a while since I put anything up here.  I am so sorry. It was really bad manners to neglect my devoted readers. I live down here in the South, in the land of good manners.  Children are taught at a very young age to address adults as “Ma’am” and “Sir.”  Obviously that alone does not constitute…

What Makes a RIGHT a RIGHT?

…and by that I mean a RIGHT as an ENTITLEMENT, as opposed to a WRONG or a LEFT. I learned this in college, in an excellent class called Political Philosophy. As much as I would love to mention the professor’s name, I don’t have his permission to do so. One of the most memorable concepts…