Do You Have a “Right” to the Internet?

Finland has declared that broadband internet access is a basic fundamental human right, and the United Nations concurs (  [Of course, that the head of one of the unions representing a group who would benefit from a huge government contract to fulfill a “basic, human right” –well, that’s a subject for another post.] One of…

A Greater Value

When is a loss more valuable than a win? I have spent this week with nine incredible young men, part of a much larger group of other incredible young men. I was supposed to be helping them have a good time at Cub Scout Day Camp, not the other way around. We play a game…

Turn the Page

originally posted the day I got my layoff notice at my previous job What an awesome four years I had at my job. And I do not use the word awesome lightly. But God has decided that He and I are about to write a new chapter in my book. I wanted to put this…

They Had a Shot

It is a rare thing for me to have an opinion on a sports-related topic. This topic, however, is much less sports-related and much more values-related. I am referring to the dismissal of Brandon Davies from the BYU Cougars for violations of the school’s honor code. ESPN’s story can be found here. I can hear…

Mr. Breitbart is Wrong

**editor’s note: This was written in February of 2011. Andrew Breitbart has since died, and this is meant in no way to be disrespectful of him, his efforts, his memory, or etc.; it’s just how I felt when I read the article.  Also, a couple of years after this incident, Mr. Breitbart said that the…

“…With Liberty and Justice for All”

When the Board of Supervisors for the City of San Francisco stands to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, one voice is silent. Jane Kim, who represents the Sixth District, stands with the rest of the Supervisors, but she refrains from the recitation and she does not place her right hand over her heart. ( If…

….or Not

I had hoped that joining the 365Project would get me more active on my blog. Well, at least I’ve kept up with posting the photos. Interesting, some days I have trouble deciding which among many (or at least several) good shots I want to put up; other days I have trouble finding one good one…

Project 365 for 2011

I didn’t even know about this project for 2010 or any previous years, but I’m in for 2011! The concept is that you post one photo taken every day of the entire year. I’m rarely very far from my camera anyway, so this is right up my alley. The participants of past projects have all…