Fear No More: Effective Strategies for Saying “No” to Requests and Invitations

Have you ever found yourself agreeing to take on a project or attend an event you had no interest in because you didn’t want to disappoint someone? Or perhaps you said “yes” to another work assignment when you were already overloaded with tasks. We often struggle with saying “no” even when we know that it…

Navigating Life’s Journey: Finding Direction and Embracing Uncertainty

In his thought-provoking book, The Lion Tracker, Boyd Varty shares a profound statement: “I don’t know where I’m going but I know how to get there.” These words resonate with many of us who find ourselves at different points in our personal and professional journeys, trying to navigate the paths ahead. While conventional wisdom often…

Impostor Syndrome

I’ve always felt like a fraud. Well, maybe not exactly a fraud, more like a play-actor. Like I didn’t really belong. Like everyone around me was smarter, more talented, and more deserving of success than I was. I used to think that I was the only one who felt this way, but as I’ve grown…

We don’t know how we’ll feel

After, or even during, a major event—mass shooting, weather disturbance, actions as a result of a pandemic—in discussions about public policy or legislation, we often see “How would you feel if it were you/your child/your parent?” I have told friends several times, “I don’t know how I would feel in that situation, and neither do…

2020 Had its Moments

Here we are almost at the end of 2020. We had wildfires, earthquakes, hurricanes, a global pandemic and ensuing recession. We stayed home and away from social gatherings, and none of this really required reiteration, did it? Was it a total bust? Was there nothing gained in this wreck of a year? I’ve managed A’s…