2020 Had its Moments

Here we are almost at the end of 2020. We had wildfires, earthquakes, hurricanes, a global pandemic and ensuing recession. We stayed home and away from social gatherings, and none of this really required reiteration, did it? Was it a total bust? Was there nothing gained in this wreck of a year? I’ve managed A’s…

One Good Password

Last fall, I had to create a PowerPoint presentation for a Communications class. I was overall pleased with the result, and I made an excellent grade on it. I’ve exported it as a video so everyone can see the process and put it to use. In the video I mentioned password managers. I haven’t left…


I listen to a lot of podcasts, way too many I think. One of them referenced another podcast (which is how I got to “way too many”) that always ends the interview with the same question: How do you define GREATNESS? That’s a wonderful question! I’d like to hear a lot of responses to this…