drawing of a canon camera with 'I heart my" above it

I chose

In my last post, I expressed the decisions that would lead up to my next camera. I did go and spend about an hour or more with a consultant (he was so much more than just a salesman) at Calagaz Photo in Mobile. If you live in this area and you have any camera questions…

I want a new camera

It’s time to think about upgrading my camera, and I don’t know what I want. I can easily justify the upgrade, because there are things I want to be able to do that my current body isn’t capable of doing. In addition, the Canon I have is going to need some maintenance soon. There are…

What is Blacklight?

Blacklight is a privacy inspector hosted at a website called The Markup.The Markup is a news organization that’s—well, quite different from other news organizations. I’m not going to go into a lot of detail about it but I recommend if you want to know more about the site, go and read the About page. One…

Lessons From Caves

I love caverns, and if there’s one within 70 miles of where we’re vacationing, we’ll find our way to it before we leave. Most of the caverns we’ve visited as a family have a similar story as to their formation, but with human habitation, each has its own unique history. Due to the capriciousness of…

Week 5 – Ten Shots

These shots were also from our Houston trip back in February, but it’s taken till now to get my site working well. The amusement park on the boardwalk on Galveston Island lends itself to shutterbugging anyway, but we pretty much had the place to ourselves because — well, February. The idea behind this technical exercise…

We don’t know how we’ll feel

After, or even during, a major event—mass shooting, weather disturbance, actions as a result of a pandemic—in discussions about public policy or legislation, we often see “How would you feel if it were you/your child/your parent?” I have told friends several times, “I don’t know how I would feel in that situation, and neither do…

Week 4 Mirror

Week 4 is a storytelling challenge, tell a story using a mirror. There is a story behind the shot, but it’s not the story the shot tells. I had pulled over to let an ambulance pass and I ended up stuck in the mud and wet pine needles. Normally, the road is as serene as…