I’m Not Mr. Tanner

“Mr. Martin Tanner of Dayton, Ohio made his Town Hall debut last night. He came well prepared, but unfortunately his presentation was not up to contemporary professional standards. His voice lacks the range of tonal color necessary to make it consistently interesting. Full-time consideration of another endeavor might be in order.” Harry Chapin told the…

My View on the Death Penalty

I have flip-flopped, or evolved, or changed, or grown regarding my opinion on the Death Penalty. Any of those terms is appropriate for what has occurred, and it is appropriate that this happens to people, whether they are computer technicians, or preachers, or company executives, or governors, or presidents.  The only evidence of life is…

Looking for the Right Map

For several years I have been trying to talk myself into doing something I really, really want to do: learn to write computer programs. I have always wanted to write computer programs. For my Millennial friends, this will take some imagination: I went to school in a time when the office equipment consisted of an…

Build It!

If you have a business, you DID build that. Here’s why. Oh, and while I’m at it, I’ll also explain why you have something that you DID build even if you “work for someone else.” Two words. Excellence. Integrity. Nobody GIVES those things. Nobody can take them away. And not everybody has them. Teachers are…

Do You Have a “Right” to the Internet?

Finland has declared that broadband internet access is a basic fundamental human right, and the United Nations concurs (http://www.forbes.com/sites/randalllane/2011/11/15/the-united-nations-says-broadband-is-basic-human-right/).  [Of course, that the head of one of the unions representing a group who would benefit from a huge government contract to fulfill a “basic, human right” –well, that’s a subject for another post.] One of…

A Greater Value

When is a loss more valuable than a win? I have spent this week with nine incredible young men, part of a much larger group of other incredible young men. I was supposed to be helping them have a good time at Cub Scout Day Camp, not the other way around. We play a game…

Turn the Page

originally posted the day I got my layoff notice at my previous job What an awesome four years I had at my job. And I do not use the word awesome lightly. But God has decided that He and I are about to write a new chapter in my book. I wanted to put this…